The first two events are fairly simple but necessary to keep the code repetition to a minimum.  First an event to open the door:

Then St, Garage, Ovhd Set 1            ->Turn on the lights in the garage
Then Rm, Front Set 1                   ->Turn on the lights outside the garage
Then Event-Call Set Lt, Garage, Ovhd
Then Event-Call Set Rm, Front
Then Timer, Garage Lock Set 60         ->Set a timer that locks the door at 1 second
Then Sw, Door, Garage Lock Set Open    ->Unlock the door
Then Pause Set 50                      ->Wait for half a second (SECU-16 is very fast)
Then Sw, Door, Garage Open Set Closed  ->Open the door

Then we need an event to close the door:

BEGINIF Sens, Door, Garage Is Off      ->Only run this if the door is already open
Then St, Garage, Ovhd Set 1            ->Turn on the lights in the garage
Then Rm, Front Set 1                   ->Turn on the lights outside the garage
Then Event-Call Set Lt, Garage, Ovhd
Then Event-Call Set Rm, Front
Then Timer, Gar, Stereo Set 90         ->Turn off the garage stereo in 90 seconds
Then Timer, Garage Set 60              ->Turn off the garage lights in 60 seconds
Then Timer, Front Set 60               ->Turn off the lights outside the garage in 60 seconds
Then Sw, Door, Garage Lock Set Closed  ->Lock the garage door
Then Pause Set 50                      ->Wait for half a second
Then Sw, Door, Garage Open Set Closed  ->Close the door

Since the relay that opens and closes the garage door needs to stay open unless we are using it, we have a very small event that will change it back to open any time it is found closed.  We also found the relays on the SECU-16 are lightning fast and sometimes the garage door opener isn't capable of detecting a really fast contact closure so we loop a couple of times to waste some time (same thing could be accomplished with the pause commands in the above events).  Here is that event:

BEGINIF Sw, Door, Garage Open Is Closed
Do Counter, Garage Open Set 10         ->Set loop counter to 10
WHILE Counter, Garage Open Is GT 0
Do Counter, Garage Open Subtract 1     ->Subtract 1 from the loop counter
Do Sw, Door, Garage Open Set Closed    ->Make sure that contact is still closed
BEGINIF Counter, Garage Open Is 0      ->Check the counter for a 0
Do Sw, Door, Garage Open Set Open      ->If the counter is 0, open the contact
ENDIF                                  ->Close the counter check 'if' statement
ENDWHILE                               ->Close the 'while' loop
ENDIF                                  ->Close the main 'if' statement