This page contains links to all of the public discussions for this project. We maintain a separate protected web for internal project discussions and notes.

11/05/05 - Didn't even see this when the web was created...  Seems like the Knowledge Base might be useful but the requirements are simple:  Just have a desire to learn and deep pockets (this stuff isn't even close to free!)

Requirements Discussion

We use this discussion to record suggestions about the features that should or shouldn't be included in our software, and to engage in a public dialog regarding the merits of various requests for enhancements. Anyone is welcome to submit suggestions.

Knowledge Base

We use this discussion to record common questions and answers that crop up in the course of working on our project. Appropriate topics include software or hardware configuration, good sources of tools, and anything else that people in the project or interested in similar areas would find generally useful.

If you have questions regarding this website this might be a good place to ask them if you want to do it publicly.  If you want an answer here from the webmaster you will need to send him an email to let him know there is something posted here since he obviously doesn't look at this site very often...